C (153/254)

From:Colin Wenzel
Date:28 Apr 00 at 09:46:16
Subject:Re: Storm Docs

On 28-Apr-00, Neil O'Rourke wrote:
>> This is a general inquiry to people here that have obtained
>> the v2.1 Amiga Developer CD.
>> I have just installed the Storm C setup & for the life of me
>> I just cannot find the manual....
>> It created a "StormC" drawer, in there is a "Manuals" drawer,
>> inside that there is only a "Changes.guide" & some other thing
>> in italian....??
>> Could someone please tell me the path to where the
>> the full manuals can be found.. ??
> After careful checking of my CD, I think they are in
> NIL:StormC/Manuals
> Me happy that I found SAS/C 6.0

Is that on the CD too ??, is so, where ??

Well that takes the cake, I guess you have to be a
mind reader to figure out how to use it... (:/

After $100+ dollars worth, I EXPECTED to be at least able
to use the damn thing... Silly me...

I will email H&P & see if I can get some sence out of them....

In the mean time, does anyone know what to do with these
GUI thingy-whatsit's, there is a mess of buttons & things everywhere ??
There is a "StormCPP" & a "StormLibrarian" visable from WB.

Does someone know what the compiler CMD line options are
or know where I can find this info.... (besides H&P)

Colin Wenzel. Australia.

EMAIL: mailto:colstv@hotkey.net.au
URL: http://www.hotkey.net.au/~colstv/
ICQ: 17608330
AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
OS 3.5, EGS Spectrum.

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